Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Big Party - Lantern Festival

Last Sunday (27/9) was Big Party night with a difference. Besides the usual hair-cut, medical check-up and dinner for the community we also celebrated the Lantern or Mooncake Festival.

Our Big Party guests

The sanctuary decorated with lanterns. It was a back-breaking job
wiring the hall for the lights before putting up the lanterns.

We also held a lantern-making competition and there were 12 entries.

Four of entries

More lanterns

The rest of the entries

(L to R) 1st and 2nd runners-up. The white lantern is so pretty
and I especially like the detailing for the boat lantern

The first prize

The main centrepiece was a giant lantern by Wilbur and KB Lai. As you can see these guys are fantastic.

This masterpiece was a joint effort by Wilbur and KB Lai

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