Saturday, August 4, 2012


Living one's life around people who don't plan is very annoying and frustrating. It's much worse waiting for someone who is waiting for someone who is waiting for someone who is waiting for someone to make a decision before anything goes. It makes one feel that one is at the bottom of the food chain.

Most of the time is spent waiting in anticipation for a decision and when nothing happens you get disappointed. But when you decide to get a life and do something else instead of wasting time (and life) playing the waiting game, suddenly things get moving and you have to scramble like crazy to make adjustments.

I have nothing against spontaneity and enjoying the moment. In fact I enjoy the spirit of adventure that spontaneity brings but it should be within some form of structure.

We live in community which means there are other people involved in every decision you make or don't make. Such behaviour is just plain selfish.

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