Saturday, October 25, 2008

Raya in KL

I was sick and running a fever but I just could not pass up the opportunity to go down to KL over the Raya break to see my 'bee. So I went and the flu got worse. Had a number of relapses and could you believe it, the cough and cold cycle dragged on for more than 3 weeks!!! None of the western medication were of any good so finally I resorted to seeing a Chinese sinseh.

We stayed at the Royale Bintang Hotel because it's very near Pam's condo. There was only one queen sized bed so she could not stay with us. That was ok since I didn't want to pass her whatever bug that was bugging me.

Afternoon tea at Winter Warmers

We're supposed to bring her back with us for good but she decided to stay on in KL. Much as I want her by my side I know her life is in KL, at least for the time being.
So we returned without our precious cargo.

So misses you, 'bee.

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